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Portada del libro The Book of Sherry Wines

PVP: 45,00 €
ISBN: 978-84-11315-03-6
Páginas: 456
Tamaño: 16 x 24 cm
Encuadernación: cartoné
Publicación: 20/01/2023
Edición ilustrada

Colección: Gastronomía

The Book of Sherry Wines

A guide to understanding these unique wines

Everything you need to know about sherry and manzanilla wines, explained with exactitude and careful research, but also with enthusiasm and passion.

Discovering the extraordinary diversity of sherry is a monumental journey through oenology, history and culture. But, while it embraces a widely varied range of wines and a unique character, sherry doesn’t need to be a cryptic subject. Its singularity, resulting from more than 3,000 years of history, genuine natural conditions, and knowledge accumulated over centuries by vine-growers and winemakers, can all be explained and understood. César Saldaña is an excellent guide to lead us through the fascinating world of these unique wines.

“A book with style and depth, in witty and restrained prose. With a clear didactic vocation, César joins his solid knowledge with the generosity of the wise, all distilled into a delicious concoction of answers and information. A historic book. And there are not many of such kind…” Josep Roca, sommelier and co-owner, Celler de Can Roca

“César Saldaña is a terrific writer: confident, engaging, authoritative. Join him in this definitive book, written with all his insider’s knowledge, as he takes us on a journey through the life and times of one of the world’s unique wines”. . Sarah Jane Evans, Master of Wine

“This is more than just a book; it is a complete manual of knowledge and reflections about the fascinating world of sherry wines. Moreover, it is penned by César Saldaña, a real authority on this topic and one of its finest and most passionate communicators, which makes it is an essential reference for learning about these wines.” . Carlos González, director de la Guía Peñín

“A great book, whose author is someone who knows sherry wines like no one else. In my opinion, it is the best book ever written to learn about these complex and exceptional wines.” Beltrán Domecq, former president of the Regulatory Board of Sherry wines

“The reference book for learning, understanding and loving some of the best wines in the world. A wise and aromatic solera that takes us into the magical and brilliant universe of sherry wines.” Manuel Pimentel, editor and former president of the Regulatory Council of Montilla-Moriles.

César Saldaña
César Saldaña es licenciado en Ciencias Económicas por el Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF) de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y diplomado en Dirección de Empresas Agroalimentarias por el Instituto Internacional San Telmo de Sevilla. Ha desarrollado casi toda su carrera profesional primero en el ámbito de la comercialización internacional y posteriormente en el de la representación sectorial de los vinos, vinagres y brandies de Jerez. Durante quince años ocupó diversos puestos ejecutivos en las bodegas González Byass S.A. y Sandeman (Jerez y Oporto), fundamentalmente en las áreas de exportación y marketing. En el año 2000 se incorporó al Consejo Regulador de las Denominaciones de Origen de los Vinos de Jerez, la Manzanilla y el Vinagre de Jerez como Director General, poniendo en marcha ente otros proyectos el Aula de Formación del Vino de Jerez. En febrero de 2010 asumió también la Dirección General del Consejo Regulador del Brandy de Jerez, tras la integración de las estructuras operativas de ambos consejos jerezanos. Finalmente, en 2020 fue elegido Presidente del Consejo Regulador de las Denominaciones de Origen “Jerez-Xérès-Sherry”, “Manzanilla-Sanlúcar de Barrameda” y “Vinagre de Jerez”. Preside también la Ruta del Vino y el Brandy del Marco de Jerez y la Conferencia Andaluza de Denominaciones de Origen (CADO).

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